Sabbe Satta Sukhi Hontu

Sabbe Satta Suki Hontu Written in Sinhala scripts
Sinhala is one of the main scripts used for preserving Pāli (the other two being Burmese and Thai).1

Transliteration: sa bbe sa ttā su khi ho ntu
sabbe sattā sukhi hontu1

Translation: May all beings be happy!
Sabbe (all) / Satta (beings) / Sukhi (happy or well) / Hontu (may they be)2

Sabbe satta sukhi hontu is a Pali chant that can be spoken, sung, or silently reflected upon during meditation. It is a group chant that is mainly associated with Theravada Buddhism but is also used by other Buddhists and individuals looking to cultivate feelings of loving-kindness and compassion.

The literal translation of sabbe satta sukhi hontu is “May all beings be well” or “May all beings be happy.” Although it is not a traditional mantra, it can be used in the same way. In fact, it is closely related to the practice of metta bhavana, a meditative discipline of cultivating loving-kindness often used by Buddhists.

Sabbe satta sukhi hontu is considered to express the essence of metta bhavana practice, and it may be used to mark the end of the practice. Chanting it repeatedly is said to create a deep and genuine sense of loving-kindness towards all beings. To enhance the power of the chant, it may be beneficial to focus on the heart space and visualize light flowing from the heart and touching other beings.2

1: Visible Mantra
2: Yogapedia